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Training on Barrier Free Access for Staff of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and Hong Kong Police Force

The Environmental Advisory Service (EAS) provides training for Government Access Coordinators and Access Officers under the request from the Labour and Welface Bureau every year. This year, the EAS conducted training sessions for the staff of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) and the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) on 5th July 2022 and 20th March 2023 respectively. Our Architect, Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist presented the findings in site audits on their premises and knowledge on Barrier Free Access. We are honoured to bring to the partcipants useful contents, especially good and bad examples of Universal Design, BFA-related complaint cases from Equal Opportunity Comission, ways to assist different persons with special needs etc, to increase their awareness of the needs of people with disabilities and also to be more conscious to BFA issues when carrying out their daily duties.


Training on Barrier Free Access for Staff of Hong Kong Police Force


Training on Barrier Free Access for Staff of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department


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