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"Happy Aging at Home" Home Based Support Service for the Elderly

Supported by by “Reverend Kok Kwong Charitable Foundation” in 2017 - 2018.

This program "Happy Aging at Home" offers free home safety assessment, bone density test and rehabilitation support to the elderly and people with disabilities currently living at home. Our Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist will conduct integrated assessments and provide tailor made recommendations aiming at promoting a safe home environment and health enhancing lifestyle.

Free Service include: - (Free service is full house now)

  • Home-based functional assessment & health consultation
  • Assessment in safety & accessibility of living environment
  • Osteoporosis screening test
  • Technical aids assessment and loan service
  • Education for carer and family members, etc.

Service Enquiry Hotline: 2364 2345 / 2817 5196

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