News & Events
Orchestra Fundraising Concert
The Fundraising Concert for Rehabaid Society was held on 23rd November 2014 at Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall. It was a great success with the attendance of over 1,000 audiences.

Mr. Warren Lee performs with the SAR Philharmonic Orchestra.

Audiences enjoy the performance.
The concert was presented by the SAR Philharmonic Orchestra and featured renowned pianist Mr. Warren Lee. The performance was wonderful and we received positive feedbacks and praises from both the audiences and the performers for arrangements of the event. In the opening ceremony, our Chairman Ms. Kelly Chan and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Cecilia Lam delivered speeches to the audiences. Souvenirs were presented to our major sponsors as well as the SAR Philharmonic Orchestra as token of our gratitude. Moreover, in recognition to our supporters, we included acknowledgement in both the stage banner and the reception backdrop, and donors were pleased to see that their contributions have been cherished. Guests and audiences mingled and took photos. The overall atmosphere was congenial and cheerful.

Ms. Annie Lee and guests take photo at the reception.

Mr. Anson Or signs on the reception backdrop.

Ms. Kelly Chan and Dr. Cecilia Lam speak in the opening ceremony.
Although we only have a small team of staff, they have all been dedicated and resourceful in addressing various issues that arose. Aside from soliciting donations from potential sponsors, we had put much effort into the promotion of the concert, ensuring that we have as many audiences as possible who would enjoy the music so that the orchestra’s efforts and talents were duly appreciated. Many audiences were touched and decided on the spot to contribute to the donation box at our reception. One of our major sponsors was so impressed with the programme and our services that he promised to give us another cheque in the near future.

Presenting bouquets and souvenir to the SAR Philharmonic Orchestra.
We also received commendations from members of the SAR Philharmonic Orchestra for our thoughtfulness in arrangements. They were particularly impressed that we had reached out to a large number of audiences who are genuine music-lovers that stayed attentive through the whole programme. The orchestra had previously performed in some charity events where many audiences were indifferent to the music, and they said it was a heartening change to see their art so cherished in this concert.

Ms. Annie Lee receives a souvenir.

Major sponsors Mr. Tommy Tsui of Lukfook Jewellery, Mr. Rafael Aharoni and Mr. Anson Or with Dr. Cecilia Lam.
We received approximately HK$720,000 donations in total for this event. While we are grateful for the encouraging result, we are even more gratified that we had the opportunity to raise awareness of the needs of people with disabilities, connect with our supporters, and continue to build on the positive image of Rehabaid Society.