News & Events


Fundraising Concert for Rehabaid Society 2017

Rehabaid Society will join hands with The SAR Philharmonic Orchestra to present Fundraising Concert for Rehabaid Society on 19th June 2017 at Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall. The SAR Philharmonic Orchestra will perform Beethoven Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor with renowned pianist Ms. Colleen Lee, and Borodin Symphony No.2 in B minor, helping to raise funds to support our community rehabilitation services for the needy.

Funds raised will be utilized to support our existing services and develop new services, furthering our mission to enable the disabled and underprivileged people in the community to participate in the society with equal opportunities. Pilot projects in planning include: ageing-at-home healthcare support scheme, assessment and training service for adolescents with dyslexia, power wheelchair assessment and application service for frail elderly or people with special needs, etc. If we can secure adequate resources, we hope to offer these services for free to people with needs in the community.

Your participation of this meaningful event would be greatly appreciated. Simply complete the below Sponsorship Form and send to us together with your donation cheque (crossed cheque payable to "Rehabaid Society"). Donation of any amount is welcomed; please refer to the Sponsorship Form for more details of our sponsorship schemes.

Rehabaid Society Sponsorship Form (Fundraising Concert 2017)

Application Form for Honorary Title

A number of free tickets to the Fundraising Concert would also be available for the public, please contact us for further arrangement.

Fundraising Concert for Rehabaid Society
Date:    19 June 2017 (Monday)
Time:    7:30pm
Venue:  Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

Report and Statement of Income and Expenditure for the General Charitable Fund-Raising Activity Held on June 19, 2017 (Permit No. 2017/153/1) (English Only)

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