Things to Know

Bathroom refurbishment, fall prevention in construction advice
Living with a stroke survivor. Bathroom refurbishment
Last time, we shared some small measures that can be taken to reduce the fall risks of stroke survivors.
If possible, we would like to further recommend the following modifications to ensure safe access to bathroom for stroke survivors.
- Lower or remove the sills - Repair broken floor tiles or floors - Convert the door into a folding door or a two-way door that can be opened outwards to increase the space within the bathroom. This facilitates easy access if accident happens. - Convert the bathtub into an freestanding shower stall for easy transfer - Note that the towel rack cannot be used as a handrail due to considerable tensile force. A qualified professional should be arranged to install the handrail in a suitable location. Our team provides professional consultancy
assessments, site visits, reports writing and recommendations on improving the
environment in accordance to the Barrier-Free
design manual. We hope everyone can enjoy a barrier free life! |